Donor Profiles
George Lusztig
MIT Mathematics Professor George Lusztig used a significant part of his 2014 Shaw Prize in mathematics to support PRIMES. This led to the establishment of the George Lusztig PRIMES mentorships, awarded annually to continuing PRIMES mathematics mentors for exceptional mentor service. Lusztig mentors are listed here. -
Stephen Berenson
Alumnus Stephen Berenson ’82 created the Mathematical Exploration Fund to support bold research by students and faculty. -
Chuck and Jen Johnson
Chuck (CE ’55) and Jen Johnson support the department with two important funds that recognize outstanding student work. -
Diko Mihov ’96
Diko Miho ’96 pledged $250,000 toward MIT graduate fellowships for students from Bulgaria, and established the American Foundation for Bulgaria. -
Jim ’58 and Marilyn Simons
The Simons Foundation, founded by Jim and Marilyn Simons, made the lead gift for the renovation of Building 2, creating a new home for our faculty, students, staff, and visitors. -
John N. Little ’78
MathWorks has given back to MIT through a significant gift to graduate fellowships and discretionary support in MIT’s Department of Mathematics, thanks to John N. Little ’78, its president and founder -
Robert Collins
The late Robert Collins left part of his estate to the Department, which established the Collins Scholarship. It provides a faculty member with a discretionary account to support his or her research for a five-year period. -
Victor SM ’72 and Tara Menezes
Victor Menezes, SM ’72, a Course XV alumnus, and his wife, Tara, recently created the Victor J. Menezes (1972) Challenge Fund in Mathematics. This fund supports the department’s outreach programs and create challenge opportunities for students from underrepresented backgrounds and underserved communities in the United States and elsewhere to support their goals of attending MIT and other top-ranked universities. -
The Leighton Family