Bioinformatics Seminar

The Bioinformatics Seminar is co-sponsored by the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Theory of Computation group at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). The seminar series focuses on highlighting areas of research in the field of computational biology. This year, we are hoping to highlight three topics: (1) evolution and computational approaches to modeling and understanding it, (2) generative AI for biology/biomedicine, and (3) algorithms for computational biology/genomics.

Spring 2005

Date Speaker Title Abstract
Feb. 14 Michael Jordan
UC Berkeley
Bayesian Bioinformatics PDF
Feb. 21 Holiday
(President's Day)
Feb. 28 Peter Clote
Structural RNA, folding energy and asymptotic Z-scores
Mar. 7 Jerome Waldispuhl
Ecole Polytechnique & BC
Modeling and predicting the structure of transmembrane proteins PDF
Mar. 14 Elizabeth Thomas
Doublets: a new player in genome evolution PDF
Mar. 21 Spring Vacation
Mar. 28 Norbert Perrimon
Harvard Medical School
Functional genomic and network analysis in Drosophila PDF
Apr. 4 Rohit Singh
CHAINTWEAK: Sampling From The Neighbourhood of a Protein Conformation PDF
Apr. 11 Huajan Wang
SED, a Normalization Free Method for DNA Microarray Data Analysis PDF
Apr. 18 Holiday
(Patriot's Day)
Apr. 25 Garbor Marth
A Coalescent Computational Platform to Predict Strength of Association for Clinical Samples PDF
May 2 David Mathews
Univ of Rochester Medical School
Predicting Secondaray Structures Common to Two RNA Sequences PDF
May 9 Jim Collins
Boston University
Engineering Gene Networks PDF
May 12 Zasha Weinberg
University of Washington
Accurate annotation of non-coding RNAs in practical time PDF

Past Terms

A listing of the Bioinformatics Seminar series home pages from prior terms.

Organizers and Information

The Bioinformatics Seminar is hosted by MIT Simons Professor of Mathematics and head of the Computation and Biology group at CSAIL Bonnie Berger. Professor Berger is also Faculty of Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology, Associate Member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Faculty of MIT CSB, and Affiliated Faculty of Harvard Medical School.

The seminar is announced weekly via email to members of the seminar's mailing list and to those on CSAIL's event calendar list. It is also posted in the BioWeek calendar.

Bonnie Berger:

Anna Sappington (TA):

To be added to the seminar's email announcement list or for any questions you have about the seminar, please mail and cc TA Anna Sappington (

If you plan to enroll in the associated course, 18.418/HST.504: Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, please contact Professor Berger ( and cc TA Anna Sappington ( for more information.